November 5, 2014 by by name: "Drew Kerrigan"

Massive Distributed Sorted Sets

This post is heavily influenced by and his repository found here:

The Problem

Consider the following use-case: A video game backend needs to track high scores for every user and display a leaderboard for those users. There are two main flavors of this problem that impact the resulting solution.

  1. Display only the top 10 scores of all time
  2. Display a user’s overall ranking as well as arbitrary pagination of the entire list

Solution 1: Display only the top 10 scores of all time

This problem turns out to be fairly easy with map and set data structures like Riak’s:

Data Structures

The map including a nested set might look something like this for a populated top 10 set:

Key: game_top_10, Value:

  "lowest_score": 90
  "scores": [
    {"user": "vader", "score": 99},
    {"user": "yoda", "score": 98},
    {"user": "boba", "score": 97},
    {"user": "luke", "score": 96},
    {"user": "leia", "score": 95},
    {"user": "palpatiner", "score": 94},
    {"user": "obi-wan", "score": 93},
    {"user": "jabba", "score": 92},
    {"user": "r2-d2", "score": 91},
    {"user": "chewbacca", "score": 90}


The pseudo code for accepting a new score might look like this:

update_score(Game, User, Score) ->
  CurrentScores = get(Game ++ "_top_10"),
  LowestScore = get_lowest_score_from_map(CurrentScores),

    Score > LowestScore ->
      NewScores = remove_lowest_score_and_add_new_score(CurrentScores, User, Score),
      put(Game ++ "_top_10", NewScores);
    true ->

Given our existing top 10 score list above, if we were to call update_score like so:

update_score("game", "han", 100).

The resulting value for game_top_10 in our datastore would look like this:

  "lowest_score": 91
  "scores": [
    {"user": "han", "score": 100},
    {"user": "r2-d2", "score": 91}

Because it may be possible to have multiple actors updating the top 10 scores concurrently, we need to have logic on read to ensure the following steps happen:

Solution 2: Display a user’s overall ranking as well as arbitrary pagination of the entire list

The solution to this problem is a little more tricky when we take into account the possibility of millions of users, or even billions or trillions of individual scores that need to be tracked over the lifetime of a game.

The above solution can be reused to scale the number of scores to much higher volumes. We’ll call a single set of scores (like the one above) an entry_set. In order to keep and make sense of multiple entry_sets, a manifest is required to keep track of the entry_set ids.

Data Structures

Let’s start with an entry_set of 1000 scores:

Key: game_entry_set_<arbitrary_guid_1>, Value:

  {"user": "han", "score": 1000000},
  {"user": "r2-d2", "score": 999000}

Now the interesting part, the manifest which keeps track of multiple entry_sets:

Key: game_manifest, Value:

  "lowest_score": 100
  "entry_sets": [
    {"entry_set_id": "game_entry_set_<arbitrary_guid_1>", "length": 1000, "lowest_score": 999000},
    {"entry_set_id": "game_entry_set_<arbitrary_guid_2>", "length": 1000, "lowest_score": 998000},
    {"entry_set_id": "game_entry_set_<arbitrary_guid_1000>", "length": 400, lowest_score": 100}

Using these data structures, we are storing 1000 entry_sets in our manifest, and 1000 individual scores and usernames in each entry_set. The limit of 1000 is somewhat arbitrary, but most of the time, you wouldn’t want to sort an unordered set of more than that many individual entries for performance reasons. With a set up like this, you could store up to 1 million individual scores in sorted order without the use of an external index.


Writing a new score

The pseudo code for adding a new score to the overall list then looks something like this:

# Get the corresponding `entry_set` for a given score, and add the new score to that `entry_set`
add_score(Game, User, Score) ->
  CurrentManifest = get(Game ++ "_manifest"),
  SortedEntrySetMetadata = get_sorted_entry_set_metadata_from_manifest(CurrentManifest),
  EntrySetId = find_entry_set_id_for_score(SortedEntrySetMetadata, Score, ""),

  EntrySet = get(EntrySetId),

  NewEntrySet = append_score_to_entry_set(EntrySet, User, Score),
  put(EntrySetId, NewEntrySet).

# Iterate over a sorted set of metadata to find an appropriate `entry_set` id for a score
find_entry_set_id_for_score([], _) ->
  {error, need_to_create_new_entry_set};

find_entry_set_id_for_score([Metadata | RestOfMetadata], Score) ->
  LowestScore = get_lowest_score_from_metadata(Metadata),
    Score > LowestScore ->
      EntrySetId = get_entry_set_id_from_metadata(Metadata),
      # Exit recursion and return the found EntrySetId
    true ->
      find_entry_set_id_for_score(RestOfMetadata, Score)

In plain english, the goal of the above code reads like so:

Reading the top 10 scores

In order to read an arbitrary number of scores from an arbitrary position in the total set of scores, follow these steps:

Solution 2a: What about billions of scores?

Solution 2 defined above works in theory for up to 1 million scores given our constraint of 1000 entry_sets per manifest and 1000 scores per entry_set. To go beyond that limit, it is simply a matter of adding additional layers of manifests. Here are a few example data structures for 1 billion total scores:

Data Structures

Entry Set

Key: game_entry_set_<arbitrary_guid_1>, Value:

  {"user": "han", "score": 100000},
  {"user": "r2-d2", "score": 999000}


Key: game_manifest_<arbitrary_guid_1>, Value:

  "lowest_score": 100
  "entry_sets": [
    {"entry_set_id": "game_entry_set_<arbitrary_guid_1>", "length": 1000, "lowest_score": 999000},
    {"entry_set_id": "game_entry_set_<arbitrary_guid_2>", "length": 1000, "lowest_score": 998000},
    {"entry_set_id": "game_entry_set_<arbitrary_guid_1000>", "length": 400, lowest_score": 100}

Manifest of Manifests

Key: game_master_mainfest, Value:

  "lowest_score": 100
  "manifests": [
    {"manifest_id": "game_manifest_<arbitrary_guid_1>", "length": 1000, "lowest_score": 999000000},
    {"manifest_id": "game_manifest_<arbitrary_guid_2>", "length": 1000, "lowest_score": 999800000},
    {"manifest_id": "game_manifest_<arbitrary_guid_1000>", "length": 10, lowest_score": 100}


The method of storing and retrieving scores for multiple layers of manifests is essentially the same as solution 2 above with additional recursion once the top level manifests are located.

Each additional layer of manifests added has an impact of sorting an additional 1000 members of an unordered set, as well as an additional read from the datastore.

In solution 2a with a single master_manifest of manifests, the process to store new score at a high level looks like this:
